Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
Leaving a Sustainable Legacy for Future Generations

Sustainability Statement

At Midwest, we are committed to leading the way in sustainability within the dust suppressant and soil stabilization industries. We recognize our responsibility as stewards of the environment and are dedicated to implementing practices that minimize our ecological footprint while maximizing the effectiveness of our solutions. Through continuous innovation, we strive to offer products and services that not only meet the needs of our clients but also contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the well-being of communities. Our mission is to be the foremost advocate for sustainability in soil stabilization and dust control, setting new standards for industry practices and inspiring others to join us in building a greener, healthier future for future generations.



For many years, Midwest has focused on the stewardship aspect of our products and business actions. We have developed products that do not harm the environment. We had worked diligently to have our chemical dust suppressants and stabilization agents tested for potential human health and environmental impact. We are compliant with EPA and OSHA standards in our operations. We have a library of third-party testing and certifications for our products, including the US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program, ISO 14034: Environmental Technology Verification, Quebec BNQ, United States Geological Survey, Pennsylvania Department of Ecology, Dirt and Gravel Roads Program, Washington State Department of Ecology, and more available upon request.



At Midwest, we are dedicated to being the leading supplier of dust control products while upholding our responsibility to preserve natural resources, minimize waste, and mitigate our climate impact. One of our key products, Soil Sement, embodies these values. Developed following the introduction of the Clean Air Act (CAA), Soil Sement utilizes polymer byproducts sourced from other industries, diverting materials from landfills and promoting a circular economy. Each year, we utilize approximately 1.3 million gallons of Soil Sement, equivalent to more than 2.5 Olympic-sized swimming pools, contributing significantly to waste reduction efforts.

Moreover, approximately one-third of our annual product sales come from environmentally friendly and/or recycled products such as Soil Sement and our E-Family line, including Envirokleen. This reflects our commitment to sustainability and our dedication to offering solutions that prioritize environmental well-being.



Foster teamwork and employee participation, encouraging the representation of different employee perspectives. Seek out insights from employees with different experiences, perspectives and backgrounds. Avoid slang or idioms that might not translate across cultures. Be open-minded and listen when given constructive feedback regarding others’ perceptions of your conduct.

Midwest actively engages in corporate responsibility initiatives, including supporting local organizations and indigenous communities in select international project locations. We strive to minimize our environmental impact and positively contribute to local communities through these efforts.



We are a disciplined Income Growth company that maintains a strong financial position for our customers, people, financial partners, community, and long-term health.

Midwest's Stewardship Focus

Midwest has a long history of stewardship and sustainability, but our future compels and requires us to make actions and goals purposeful.

Sustainability and stewardship are interconnected and interdependent. Stewardship is the responsible management of something entrusted to you. It implies keeping things status quo, not making them better or worse. Sustainability is defined as meeting current needs without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is the true balance of the social, economic, and environmental requirements of now and later. Midwest is proud to have been founded upon and still operate on these core pillars.

A Foundation of Stewardship

Bob Vitale started Midwest with a sustainable mindset before it was even a discipline. Soil Sement was developed in response to the EPA introduction of the Clean Air Act (CAA) and the required control of particulate matter (PM). Soil Sement was and still is an environmentally sound, value priced option for controlling dust that had greater longevity than water. It was formulated using off-spec or byproducts from other industries. This one product incorporates the three focuses of sustainability: social - made life better for workers; environmental – reduced air pollution and conserved water; and economic – value priced for customers and allowed Midwest to make a profit. This is the definition of sustainability.

For many years Midwest has focused on the stewardship aspect of our products and business actions. We have developed products that do no harm to the environment. We had worked diligently to have our chemical dust suppressants and stabilization agents tested for potential human health and environmental impact. We are compliant with EPA and OSHA standards in our operations. We have a library of third-party testing and certifications for our products including:

US EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program

ISO 14034: Environmental Technology Verification

Quebec BNQ

United States Geological Survey

Pennsylvania Department of Ecology, Dirt and Gravel Roads Program

Washington State Department of Ecology

Great Northwest Territories

West Virginia

These and Other Certifications Available Upon Request

Midwest has worked with many of these agencies to develop accurate and relevant testing for these product chemistries and applications. We are proud of our role in educating the dust suppression community on the pros and cons of each type of product and continue to push for greater understanding.