Traditional methods like watering programs and off-the-shelf palliative products provide an inconsistent and unpredictable level of control. You spend time, money and equipment applying and reapplying and reapplying again — just to have the dust return.
Midwest complete dust control solutions eliminate dust and deliver long-term reliability when compared to inconsistent and short-lived traditional methods. This superior performance drastically reduces operating costs, improves health and safety, increases productivity and delivers guaranteed air quality compliance with fewer applications. Additionally, Midwest formulations are sustainable, protecting the environment with green alternatives to overwatering or ordinary products.
You choose the means. Midwest offers our unique Guided Self-Apply Dust Control program utilizing state-of-the-art, science-based dust control products. Or Midwest will serve you with a Fully Managed Service program, providing measurable evidence of compliance and guaranteed dust control for your unique circumstances and needs.